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About FieldsofCS:
Shared Definitions and Collaborative Guidance

Top organizations in CS education joined together to produce this first resource in order to help clarify the changing field of CS and what that means for K-12 student learning.

Image by Desola Lanre-Ologun

The Partnership

Throughout 2023, CSforALL assembled a working group with leading organizations;, CSTA, Data Science for Everyone, AI4K12, Microbit Foundation and additional stakeholders in computer science education to address and identify challenges, and propose solutions that connect the developing fields of CS, and offer clarity and understanding for K-12 educators, researchers, CSforALL members, and prospective and current students. 

Resources and Clarity

In collaboration, the team built a resource, Fields of CS, that allows stakeholders to explore, identify and view a comprehensive list with definitions and tools of the subfields of computer science. The subfields, include but not limited to; artificial intelligence, data science, cybersecurity, algorithms and computational thinking, quantum computing, physical computing, the internet, and more. As the economy and society increasingly rely on computer science, it is essential that state and school leaders are accurately informed and speak in one voice on the emerging tech fields within computer science.

Staff Meeting
Office talks

Takeaways and Insights

  • A resource for computer science educators, local leaders, and organizations to explore, identify and view changing and diversifying fields of emerging fields in computer science education. 

  • Providing accurate and collective computer science messaging backed from leading organizations in the computer science for all movement.   

  • Direct impacts and engagement of speaking in one voice about the fields of computer science, including increased support from key decision makers, determined policy positions, and educators work together for maximum impact.

What Drives Us

The fields of CS working group is committed to supporting teachers, administrators, parents and stakeholders in the ever evolving journey to offer high quality CS education to all students.

Colleagues Working Together


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Get Involved

Have a resource you want to share? Know of an organization who should be a partner? or just want to sign up for a newsletter for more information? Check out our Get Involved page for how to find out more.

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